Product line description

Company's product line needed a proper description of each product.

"How are the three devices different" Help Center article.
To gather all the points on a single page, I wrote a text that was telling about each device. It was not only listing their features but also pointing out the differences in devices' usage that they would make for a device owner.

Platform and tools used
Zendesk Help Center; platform's article editor.


So which device of ours to choose? They are based on the same evaporative working principle that’s proven itself over the years. Having our patented EvaBreeze material inside, Evapolar devices get the fullest out of this entirely natural cooling technology. Having different sets of features, each of them is ideal for certain needs.


For those of you who enjoy simplicity and minimalism when it comes to design or just need the very basic features and nothing on top - happy to announce our new device that will satisfy your needs, evaCHlLL! We’ve ensured the best and simplest control features possible. evaCHlLL can be fully controlled with just one button that has LED indications enhancing the user experience. Air flow direction is managed with the moveable front grill louvres. The device is portable at its best: the handle allows for it to be carried around anytime and the handy funnel makes it convenient to fill the water tank anywhere. evaCHlLL has a leakage-proof system which adds to the portability.


The world’s first smart personal air conditioner, our evaSMART, has all the modern integrations and features. Other than a stylish physical control panel it has a mobile application and Smart Home environments compatibilities. You can shape your personal microclimate, say, on the way home, so that it’s perfectly refreshing when you arrive.
evaSMART has a Night mode, sleep timer, colour playlists and other useful features controlled with your voice, when connected to the Smart Home environment. These control ways allow you to thoroughly manage the perfect atmosphere that suits your mood. Bigger water tank lets the device work longer.

evaLlGHT plus

The golden mean of our product line is evaLlGHT plus, the re-developed evaLlGHT that was our very first product and world’s first evaporative personal air cooler (more info about their differences here: evaLlGHT EV-1000 vs evaLlGHT plus EV-1500). Full spectrum LED lighting, stylish control wheel and informative round screen, removable water tank provides all the basic features and some more means to create the personal microclimate around you. Light enough to be moved around the house saving your electricity bills: power consumption is only 10W. With the power level notification evaLlGHT plus will let you know if the supplied power happens to not be sufficient enough, so that you could switch to an appropriate power supply instead. For your convenience, both screen backlight and LED lighting can be turned off and dimmed for the night time bringing you the nice peaceful sleep.